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Cargotec publishes its 2018 annual report and financial statements

2019 Stock exchange
Cargotec publishes its 2018 annual report and financial statements
Cargotec's annual report 2018 and financial statements for the financial year 1 January-31 December 2018 have been published in English and Finnish.
The annual report 2018 consists of the Annual review and the Financial review. The financial review includes the Board of Directors' report, the financial statements and the auditors' report.
Together with the annual report, Cargotec also publishes the corporate governance statement, the remuneration statement, and the GRI index for the year 2018. The annual review and the GRI index aim to describe Cargotec's strategy and its realisation in 2018, the company value creation process, as well as portray the significance Cargotec gives to sustainability issues as part of its business. The GRI index has been assured by an independent third party. 
The annual report and other published documents are available from the company website www.cargotec.com > Investors. Printed copies can be ordered from communications@cargotec.com.
Annual report 2018: Annual review, Financial review, Corporate governance statement, Remuneration statement, GRI index
For further information, please contact:
Hanna-Maria Heikkinen, Vice President, Investor Relations, tel. +358 20 777 4084
Karoliina Loikkanen, Director, Sustainability, tel. +358 20 777 4000
Cargotec (Nasdaq Helsinki: CGCBV) is a leading provider of cargo and load handling solutions with the goal of becoming the leader in intelligent cargo handling. Cargotec's business areas Kalmar, Hiab and MacGregor offer products and services that ensure our customers a continuous, reliable and sustainable performance. Cargotec's sales in 2018 totalled approximately EUR 3.3 billion and it employs around 12,000 people. www.cargotec.com